Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A short game design idea (rough)

Every moment is now gone.  Each person stuck in the same point.  Except this man.  He walks alone in a city frozen in time.  He travels around the city happily observing the constant sun, the cheerful people.  He writes into his notebook noting all these moments.  Some are insignificant.  Some will be forever remembered.  Everything is kept into a journal and he takes down the time with his pocket watch.
As the days progresses subtle things start to change.  Smiles seem to disappear even in places they shouldn’t.  Day begins to turn to night.  Clouds form in the distance.  Over time our hero grows impatient.  He wants to know what is happening.  He checks his pocket watch.  It still remains unchanged.  Frozen like the people surrounding him.

Now he begins to notice that people are missing.  On grueling discovery has him find a man formarly pointing out a bird to his daughter now standing alone with his hand chewed off.  An old man on a couch has now been half eaten.  The married couple is now only a single woman standing outside a church.  Even his pocket watches time has changed.

Our hero is now confused and seeks to discover what is going on.  He returns to his time machine.  Pictures of these happy moments are now as twisted as they remain.  Scared he begins to inspect these pictures.  They all seem to be looking in a direction.  Towards the clock tower. 

Our hero sets out towards this tower in search of some truth.  He goes towards the great clock and enters a coffee shop at its base.  Its resedents frozen but all remain unharmed.  A man uncomfortably frozen spilling hot coffee on the floor.  The light is dimmer here so he turns on his flashlight.  As he does a frozen statuesque monster appears infront of him.  Afraid he points the light at it.  Screaming the monster runs away knocking over frozen people as he goes.

Our hero must escape.  He must run.  His only tool is his flashlight.  The monsters seem to be afraid of it.  He returns to his hideout but his machine now lays in ruins.  Scribbles on the wall are the words “its not yours”  and “give it back.”  Plastic maniquines all pointing at the door watches covering their bodies.
Frightened he begins to pack his bags.  He grabs things that emit light and leaves.  But upon exiting he sees that it is now raining outside.  There is no one on the streets and everything is cold.  Our hero journeys into the city avoiding the darkeness.  This demon stalks him.  He avoids its grasp.

As he walks along a cold store the tvs turn on.  They becon him into the store.  The tv’s proclaim they are watching our hero.  His every move.  They have seen him once before.  They all them him that he must return time to its previous state.  They claim the growth of the great tree depends on it.  Even a single vein in a leaf is important.  He must resume time.  They become frightened when he pulls out his pocket watch.  Its arms now retreating as if going back in time.  Our hero proclaims he knows where an old machine is.

This dark entity follows our hero to the clock tower.  He travels through the library and into a small corridor.  There in a long and murky hallway he is forced to fight the demon.  The demon proclaims “I WANT MY WATCH BACK!”  At the end of the battle he stands over it, laying there covered in tar, it speaks to him.  “I have seen it” says the putrid beast “I have seen the base where all things lie.”  Black liquid flows down its face “I went mad u see, mad at how small I was.”  Skin now reveiled under the dark layer of sludge.  “I have seen the seeds that sewed reality, the birth of every universe on every plane of exsistance.”  Blood now poured out of his nose.  His eyes wide with fear.  “How small I’ve become.”  A dead man now lies at our heroes feet grasping onto a small chain.  The hero reaches down and removes the object.  Its metal case seems untouched by the grease.  Holding it up to his face our hero inspects the device.  His eyes widen.  Fear grips the man and as if guided by some unknown force he lifts his hands up clicking the button that protrudes out of the top.  Its metal casket opens and the tick tick tick of a pocket watch fills the room.  Our hero lay dead on the floor covered in tar.  The monster holding his pocket watch moves away to open the door at the end of the hall.

Inside the room a small device, no bigger than a house cat lies on the only table in the empty green room.  Setting aside his two identical pocket watches the man stares out of the window.  His eyes now filled with tears as rain pours against the glass.  The small device on the table unaware of the mans cries as he pushes the button on the device. 

A man points out a bird to his daughter.  Another eats alone on his couch.  Someone spills hot coffee on the floor.  A couple walks down the stairs of a church avoiding the happy rice as it falls from the sky.  And a solom man stands alone in a room and cries.  Cries for the life he took.  Cries for a pocket watch he stole.  Cries for his own death.

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