Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A new Updated blog for my new updated site!

So if your reading this than you've reached my blog.  However you got here be it my portfolio or a time space warp, welcome.  Here I'll be talking about the things that I'm up to regarding video games and what I happen to be working on (provided that an NDA does not prevent me from doing so by threat of furious furious nerd wraith).  Regardless I'll try to make an effort to update this now and then with some interesting thoughts at least.  I hope you find it interesting.

So I should say a little about myself to start.  As you (hopefully know) my name is James Morgan.  I'm padawan game designer learning the ropes of a digital frontier.  Guess thats a fancy way of saying I'm still learning.  I'll be writing a few articles here but keep in mind that I'm still learning as I go so feel free to comment and correct any mistakes I've made.  Please keep in mind that some of these articles are opinionated so try to be nice with the comments.

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